Bio-Electric Acupuncture Therapy
*No Needle*
Bio-Electric Acupuncture Therapy uses:
bioelectric machine
generates a low electrical current
then transferred into the body through the therapist’s hands
a specific 3 in 1 combination of herbal cream with an electric current to help open and clear the body’s main meridian line
essential herbal oils transdermal in acupoints
Your body will:
naturally, stimulate nerves and cells
increases Qi flow(energy)
blood vessels expand creating a significant improvement in blood flow circulation
an increase in oxygen within the blood and throughout the body
The therapy improves:
the auto-immune system
helps to maintain good health.
Bioelectric Acupuncture Therapy is used to improve:
general health
functionality in the body through
Nervous system stimulation
Prevent disharmony and imbalances in the body
Stimulate sluggish organs
Improve functionality and mobility
Decrease and eliminate pain
Tennis Elbow
Facial Paralysis
Soothe aching muscles
Increase metabolism for weight loss and increased energy
Anti-aging. smooth skin and wrinkles
Beauty toning & slimming
Bioelectric acupuncture isn’t right for everyone. Contraindications For people who:
Have a pacemaker
Are pregnant
Have thrombosis
Have a Bacteria Infection
Have Metallic Material in body